Cause For Disgrace
Re: My Village – May 18th, 2011. Portland, Jamaica. WI
My mind, heart and psyche are always in my village, Fruitful Vale District. Born in Kingston and grew up in Portland where I enjoyed my Primary school years. My Mom involved me in everything that was age appropriate. I left Jamaica as a young adult and became an LPN, then a RN and later advanced to a Nurse Practitioner. Although the people try to keep up the community there was always need for improvement. The school was really fallen apart, the clinic was in shambles, the recreation center is all in bushes the Post office is something from the 18th century and the road is a disaster. From time to time I would visit my village. Driven and focused I worked long hours everyday because I wanted to make a difference in my village. I started to ship barrels of school supplies and medical supplies to the clinic. I am always making close observations of the school and the clinic. In 2007 I planned on having a health fair in the village so I shipped a 20 foot container filled with everything for the school, clinic and community and with much pressure, humiliation and stress I did my own health screenings in two churches and made donations of ultrasound machine, exam tables, nebulizers, beds, stretchers, lawnmower, medical supplies, DVDs, VCRs, Power Point Projector, Laptop, TVs, books and school supplies. Since that time I would visit my village and continue to lecture in churches on topics such as Diabetes, Hypertension, and stroke: in addition, I would monitor Blood pressures, blood sugars, and weights with BMIs. In 2008 I surprised my village with a well deserved 50th year school anniversary.
Finally some associated group refurbished the clinic while I continue to upgrade the interior. News to my ears the village will be blessed with a new school the moment I was waiting for. I requested to open a new library within the school and I will furnish everything. September of 2010 I shipped another 20 foot container to the school with more than 5,000 books, enormous amount of school supplies, another ultrasound machine, 2 large refridgerators, computer, DVDs, VCRs, TVs, Nembulizers, Wheelchairs, IV poles, colonoscopy machine, nerve stimulators, microscope, B/P machines & stethoscopes, glucose machines, hoyer lift, electric beds, office supplies, printer© machine, Vision machine,Otoscope/opthalmoscope machine, Physical educational supplies,ambulance stretcher, toiletries and cleaning supplies, enormous amount of medical, surgical,orthopedic and maternal supplies, an electric sensored stove, computerized air -condition, maternal Doppler machine, exam lights an enormous amount of canned food, clothing, various medications and personal items for the community etc, etc, etc. Because of another Political corruption my container had to be stripped causing much delays, so I came home and came back in November 2010. During my stay I personally fed all 206 students attending the Fruitful Vale All Age school (American Style), the following day I coordinated the first Community baby shower in the Parish it was awesome and my final day I held a massive community health fair giving away from Soup to Nuts. I return home to wait for the official opening of the school. I was hinted but I was never officially invited by the school.
May 18th I returned for the Grand opening. Dignitaries, including the Minister of Education, the Governor General who by the way born and grew up in that district and attended the old school left, and never return until he received his G/G title and never attempt to do anything constructively in the past. I heard all their Ivy League Rhetoric. After all what I have done and still doing he promised the people he and his wife will repeat what I have already done and in addition, scholarships of $20,000 & $30,000 JA per year from another person’s name. The Min of Ed with his Ivy League status threw the people under the bus and plan to change the school original name to the Governor General’s name: Just doing a friend a favor. How can they ignore the people like that and you say Jamaica is not a Third World country? I wanted to do more so at the end of the program I barely was offered 2minutes to present $1,000US to the school’s future internet system, $20,000JA for the 4H club and $8,000 JA to purchase uniforms for theater performance. The people wanted me to take back my monies, I just could not do it. However, I will continue to monitor everything in that school. (In my village) and that” sleezy” scholarship fund that was promised; we will DOUBLE it out of our pockets.
Remember Ivy Leaguers and Politicians the People come first and you all just cannot fool them all the time or throw them under the bus; for what goes around comes around.
In my humble opinion “Fruitful Vale All Age School” is the perfect name for the school.